“Demon Slayer” is an incredibly popular anime, even though the manga ended several years ago. The manga ends with a special chapter set in the modern era, which is the distant future compared to the 1910s setting of "Demon Slayer".
This epilogue chapter indirectly reveals the fate of many characters, but the most notable are, of course, Tanjiro and Nezuko. Chapter 205 focuses on Tanjiro and Nezuko's descendants as they go about their daily lives and encounter characters who are actually reincarnations of Tanjiro's friends. Since the final battle of "Demon Slayer" is particularly bloody, many characters die before having descendants, and thus appear in reincarnated form in the story's epilogue.
Since the chapter focuses on Tanjiro and Nezuko's descendants, the first obvious thing to say is that they each get married. The chapter begins with two boys, Kanata and Sumihiko Kamado, the former trying to wake the latter in time for school. As their last name shows, they are descendants of Tanjiro, who in a family photo appears married to Kanao Tsuyuri. The character who resembles Nezuko in the present day, Toko, has the last name Agatsuma, suggesting that she married Zenitsu. Tanjiro and Nezuko seem to have had peaceful lives after Muzan's defeat, able to start families.
Tanjiro, of course, suffered significant injuries in the final battle that he has to live with. He has become blind in one eye and can no longer feel his arm below the elbow, rendering his left hand unusable. Kanao also suffered eye injuries, significantly reducing his visibility. Fortunately, these disabilities do not seem to have affected their ability to lead happy lives, especially considering the sacrifices they made to achieve this peace. Tanjiro appears to have held a place of honor in his family, with his earrings and sword displayed in his descendants' home.
Inosuke also has a descendant, Aoba Hashibira, a scientist who discovers the Blue Spider Lilies in the present day. Given the first name Aoba and Inosuke's interest in her in chapter 204, it seems likely that Inosuke married Aoi Kanzaki, one of the girls from the Butterfly House. Aoba laments his fate after the death of the Blue Spider Lily, regretting that he cannot live alone in the mountains like his ancestor Inosuke once did.
After reading his grandfather's book about the battle against Muzan, Yosh*teru Agatsuma expresses his belief that all those who fought demons were reincarnated to lead peaceful lives. This chapter seems to confirm this idea, since many current characters resemble members of the Hashira and other demon hunters. Since almost all of the Hashira died during or shortly after the final battle, very few had the opportunity to have direct descendants.
Tengen Uzui was reincarnated as Tenma Uzui, an Olympic gold medal winner. Muichiro Tokito and his brother appear as infant twins, pushed by a mother. Shinobu and her sister Kanae Kocho are reincarnated as students at a women's academy. Gyomei Himejima is reincarnated as a kindergarten teacher, continuing to take care of the children even in his new life. Mitsuri Kanroji and Iguro Obanai are shown running a diner and are lucky to stay together in this life, since they are married.
Giyu Tomioka also has a reincarnation, Giichi, who has friends resembling Sabito and Makomo, Giyu's missing friends. Kyojuro Rengoku is reincarnated, or perhaps descended from his brother, into Tojuro, a good friend of Sumihiko. Finally, Sanemi and Genya Shinazugawa are reincarnated as police officers, and catch Sumihiko late for school, calling his mother to report him. Although Sanemi's reincarnation personality is not much better than his own, it seems that the two brothers get along well in this new life.
And despite the fact that it takes place in the distant future, some characters are shown to still be alive. Kiriya Ubuyashiki, the surviving son of the Ubuyashiki family, can be seen on television, hailed as the oldest man in Japan. It is also revealed that Yushiro is still alive, being the last living demon, and continues to paint portraits of Lady Tamayo, considered exceptionally realistic. Yushiro is an extremely withdrawn figure, reacting violently to interview attempts and focusing exclusively on his paintings. Yushiro is also shown to still possess the cat demon, Chachamaru.
“Demon Slayer” is a manga that explores the difficult struggle between good and selflessness on the one hand, and evil and selfishness on the other. He goes to great lengths in showing that this battle is deadly, even for those with extreme skill. The reward for Tanjiro and his friends and allies, which is their reincarnation in a more peaceful time, seems fair and appropriate, highlighting the good they have accomplished and which endures over time.
It's a surprisingly joyful conclusion to an anime as bloody and serious as "Demon Slayer" can sometimes be, but it's just what's needed after such a long and hard-fought battle. Tanjiro and his friends did indeed suffer a lot to reach this happy ending, but this suffering was not in vain, as it allowed their descendants to live happy and peaceful lives, which they could only have dreamed of. It's a shame that few people know about the sacrifices of Tanjiro and the Demon Slayer Corps throughout "Demon Slayer", so their actions can be more recognized.